The Outside World

Today I am grateful for the simple goodness of oatmeal, and for laughter among friends in recovery.

These words followed up nicely on yesterday's about sacred ground:

"Finding where exactly the outside world ends and I begin--is not so easy."   (Nora Bateson)

Sacred ground is all around. The divine Presence is all around. When I think of the outside world, I think of the natural world. The air around me. The huge expanse of sky. A wind coming up and hitting me in the face while also blowing tree branches around.

The bald eagle I paused to watch soaring high above. The piles of snow and the running water as some of it melts and flows away, pulled along by gravity.

It reminds me that the space I take up is also sacred ground. My earthly body is a marvel as it moves along and as my organs do their jobs. I am a worthy human being, deserving of my space and place. We all are. If we can get outside of our thoughts enough to remember this, I think there would be more kindness, acceptance, forgiveness, and compassion shown.

The outside world and you and I. They are one and the same.
